Monday, November 2, 2015

Maya is five months

This past five months have been full of smiles and singing and just an enormous amount of joy. 
Maya has a peaceful  vibe to her. She always wakes up with a huge smile. 
She's a big fan of music! Not kidding she even tries to dance. She moves her little hand from side to side.
She loves her crib, she can be in there all day. Her least favorite place to be is in her car sit. 
Belly time is getting better......
Starting to sit up on her own. 
She found her feet not too long ago and she loves playing with them.
She brings those little toes to her mouth and tries to suck on them. 
The girl is flexible, even as a chunky baby. 
She loves picking up brother and sister from school. 
I defenetly see the difference in her mood when their home. She's much louder when their home, kinda like she's calling for their attention.
I recently stared teaching her the sign for milk. I'm gonna start sign language with her.
We'll see how that goes.. 
I did it with my two older ones but I stared alot later with them.
And it was alot of fun and VERY beneficial!  
I totally recommend it. 
Time is defenetly going by FAST !!
I'm kinda sad! I really wish Maya can stay a baby for a bit longer. 
I'm trying to really enjoy every part of it and I'm on a mission to capture all the details.